If you are a community member who has been actively contributing on the site and/or in chat for at least thirty days and keep a weblog about reading or writing — or that includes your reading and writing experiences — I’ll link it here.
If you would like your weblog added to the list, please email Jean with the information. Also note that I will be weeding out any weblogs that have not been updated in the last two months, and hope to continue to keep the list up to date. Please also read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page and keep it in mind when you submit a link and when you read the weblogs listed here.
Site Owner
Lazette Gifford — Joyously Prolific
Site Administrators
Margaret Fisk (Marfisk) — Tales to Tide You Over
Jean Schara (jschara) — Philosophical Meanderings, Too
Site Moderators
Dreamerscove — JA Marlow | Writing Blather
Erin M H — Erin M. Hartshorn | Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer
KatsInCommand — D.M. Bonanno
Published Author Sites
David Bridger — David Bridger: Science Fiction and Fantasy Author
Ashe — Ashe Elton Parker
djredhawk — DJordanRedhawk
Holly Lisle — Pocket Full of Words
Linda Adams — Linda Adams’ Blog
Ninja Fingers — Jennifer’s Den
Tambo — Tambo Writes
Valerie Comer — Valerie Comer
(If you are a published author listed below, please remind me so that I can move your name up to this list!)
Site Members
New and Featured Entries! FM Friday Flash Fiction Group Merry-Go-Round Blog Tour of FM writers. |
chanpheng — Mekong River Reviews (Friends Only — “I’ll add folks who introduce themselves on the public entry but they have to have LJ accounts. I talk about development stuff, issues involving unexploded ordnance and land mines.”)
ConnieCockrell — conniesrandomthoughts
crimson_angel — Weaver of Words
Gabriele — The Lost Fort
ljcblue — Once in a Blue Muse
All weblogs are the property of their respective owners, who also happen to be members of the Forward Motion Community. However, the weblogs are neither affiliated with this site nor expressive of the views of the Forward Motion Community or me. All views belong solely to their authors, who bear sole responsibility for their words. You read the weblogs at your own risk. If they contain pornographic material or hatemongering (defined as the exhortation of people of one race, religion or creed to band together against another race, religion or creed to cause harm), let me know and I’ll remove the link. If you don’t agree with the views, however, or find content offensive in other ways, or simply don’t like the author — stop reading the weblog in question. I will not remove links for flamewars, disagreements between community members, or other content except as listed above.
I also reserve the right to delete any link at any time for any purpose, without warning, explanation, or apology.
Lazette Gifford