zette commented on the post, In Remembrance of Holly Lisle: Writer, Teacher, and Inspiration 1 month ago
I have spent several days trying to find the right words to say. Holly and I knew each other since 1992 when I started her Writer’s Digest class. From her first note to me to her last, Holly was unwaveringly kind and helpful. I followed her to online sites and created her first personal site.
Holly did two things very well: she wrote wonderful…[Read more]
zette earned the badge Goal 1 7 months, 1 week ago
zette earned the badge Milestone 1-2 7 months, 1 week ago
zette earned the badge Milestone 1-2 7 months, 3 weeks ago
zette earned the badge Milestone 1-1 7 months, 3 weeks ago
zette earned the badge Pirates of FM Participant 8 months, 2 weeks ago
zette earned the badge Pirates of FM Participant 8 months, 2 weeks ago
zette reached the activity rank Word Monger 9 months ago
zette completed the requirement “Create 1 new topic” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 2 years, 10 months ago
zette started the topic Twelve Volume History of England in the forum The Reading Room 2 years, 10 months ago
It took me two and a half years, but I finally finished the entire set.
zette completed the requirement “Create 1 new topic” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 3 years, 1 month ago
zette started the topic Yes, me again. in the forum The Writing Pad 3 years, 1 month ago
My life lately…
On July 17th I had a major heart attack. The doctor said two more minutes and I would not have survived. Every time he looks at my paperwork he says ‘oh yes, I remember that one. A tricky one.’ Three stents later and I’m back home. But here is how the rest of July and August went:
1. Hearing Aids. You guys (of course) have…[Read more]
zette completed the requirement “Create 1 new topic” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 3 years, 7 months ago
zette reached the activity rank Cub Reporter 3 years, 7 months ago
zette started the topic One year… in the forum The Writing Pad 3 years, 7 months ago
For a lot of us, the pandemic lockdown started a year ago today (March 13). I hope that all of you have come through this time well. Russ and I lost a few close friends, and Russ was without a job for over a year, but we have come through and we’re starting to see things look better. Lockdown and depression, though, made for a difficult year.…[Read more]
zette completed the requirement “Reply to topics 100 times” of the activity rank Scribbler 4 years ago
zette completed the requirement “Reply to topics 500 times” of the activity rank Word Slinger 4 years ago
zette completed the requirement “Reply to topics 15 times” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 4 years ago
zette completed the requirement “Reply to topics 100 times” of the activity rank Scribbler 4 years ago
zette completed the requirement “Reply to topics 500 times” of the activity rank Word Slinger 4 years ago
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