
  • jhmcmullen completed the requirement “Reply to topics 100 times” of the activity rank Scribbler 3 years, 5 months ago

    Scribbler Rank Badge
    A QUIET DAY… Your character is exhausted, worn out by too many adventures and too little rest. Just one nice, quiet day is all they want. Of course, you’re not going to let that happen! Justtin
  • jhmcmullen completed the requirement “Reply to topics 15 times” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 3 years, 5 months ago

    Cub Reporter Rank Badge
    A QUIET DAY… Your character is exhausted, worn out by too many adventures and too little rest. Just one nice, quiet day is all they want. Of course, you’re not going to let that happen! Justtin
  • I hid the leash, fed the dog, and then sat at the chair in my office. I was supposed to be a supervillain, dammit, or at least I was trying to be, but I’d dealt with an alien invasion, a misplaced attempt to resurrect the dead, and a graduation test for superheroes in the last week.

    Whatever happened to just stealing things?

    There was a knock…[Read more]

  • I don’t know why everybody else was unarmed; it was a wedding, but it was a superhero wedding.

    The juddercraft gogo wears a mask to protect the passengers, to protect the crew, and most importantly to protect the timelines. They say so in the oath they swear before every trip.

    “I’m selling ecosystems to put myself through college,” said the kid…[Read more]

  • Maybe it’s the current situation out there, but despite my intentions, I can keep going on willpower alone for just a week or so. Habit helps tremendously (I know from other things) but if the habit isn’t there, developing the habit might not happen.

    How do you get yourself working?