J.A. Marlow replied to the topic Names: The Great List of Happy Misspellings in the forum The Writing Pad 3 months, 1 week ago
New name as of a few minutes ago:
Gekki Va
J.A. Marlow replied to the topic Names: The Great List of Happy Misspellings in the forum The Writing Pad 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh, nice one! I’ll add that to the list, and that it was adopted.
Today there is a new one: Godo
J.A. Marlow completed the requirement “Create 1 new topic” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 4 months, 3 weeks ago
J.A. Marlow started the topic Names: The Great List of Happy Misspellings in the forum The Writing Pad 4 months, 3 weeks ago
What int he world does the title of this thread mean? The Typo Monster lurks around any writer, and in the FM chat the results can be cute, funny, weird, unpronounceable…
And some of those spelling mistakes make great names! For years Ashe has kept a list these names (Thank you!). Well, here is now a list of some of those names. We will be…[Read more]
J.A. Marlow replied to the topic Pro writing aid Sci FI Week in the forum The Writing Pad 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Thanks for posting!
J.A. Marlow wrote a new post 5 months, 1 week ago
In Remembrance of Holly Lisle: Writer, Teacher, and Inspiration
It is with great sadness that I share the news of the passing of Holly Lisle, a beloved figure in the writing community. Holly was a prolific author and teacher who dedicated her life to crafting great stories as well as the supporting and empowering of fellow writers. Holly founded Forward Motion for Writers as a place for writers to connect, share resources, and support one another. Today, Forward Motion continues the legacy of encouragement, teaching, and camaraderie under the guidance of Lazette Gifford and J.A. Marlow in the forms of the website and an active Discord server. In addition to Forward Motion, HollyLisle.com offered workshops, classes, and a vibrant online forum. Both sites stand as a testament to Holly’s passion for the craft and her unwavering belief in the potential of every writer (even when she threatened to hit you with your own manuscript). Holly Lisle is also remembered for her many articles, Writer’s Digest mail writing courses, as well as a large body of fiction across multiple genres. Many writers credit Holly’s teachings and mentorship as pivotal moments in their own writing journeys. Though Holly is no longer with us, her legacy lives on through the countless writers whose lives she touched. Her kindness, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to the writing community will never be forgotten. Holly made an indelible mark, and her impact will continue to be felt for years to come. As we mourn the loss of this remarkable woman, let us also celebrate the profound influence she had on the writing world. Holly’s dedication to supporting and uplifting fellow authors is a shining example of the power of community and mentorship. She will be deeply missed, but her spirit will continue to inspire us all to keep writing, keep learning, and keep supporting one another. Rest in peace, Holly Lisle. Your legacy will live on in the hearts and works of all the writers you inspired. WeRead more
I’m so sorry to hear this. She was a beacon of writing hope for me, as for so many others, for many years.
My condolences to Holly and her friends and family. I was a member here back in (I think) the late 90s-early 00s when I was writing my first SF novel, and Forward Motion welcomed me in with open arms, including Holly herself. I learned so much in the time I spent here, and I’m glad to say that that wonky little novel turned into a self-published trilogy and the start of a self-publishing career. And on top of all that, I do in fact still pay it forward by going to cons to help those just starting out. Holly was such a great inspiration in that respect and she will be missed.
The news was so sad.
I am thankful Holly touched so many lives with her writing and teaching.
I have all her writing courses to read through again and again to learn something new to add to my stories.
And I can reread Holly’s novels and keep in touch with other writers on her forum and here. -
I have spent several days trying to find the right words to say. Holly and I knew each other since 1992 when I started her Writer’s Digest class. From her first note to me to her last, Holly was unwaveringly kind and helpful. I followed her to online sites and created her first personal site.
Holly did two things very well: she wrote wonderful books and helped people take their writing to higher levels. Those of us who worked with her are better for it.
I miss Holly. I always looked forward to her new books. I checked constantly for new notes. This is a loss I cannot begin to express.
J.A. Marlow wrote a new post 11 months, 1 week ago
Open for SubmissionsBaffling Magazine “We’ll be open next in June, from the 1st to the 15th, reading on the tRead more
J.A. Marlow wrote a new post 11 months, 1 week ago
Pirates of FM – First of Month
The Pirates of FM: Blank Pages Tell No Tales has been active for a little over a month now. Congrats to everyone who earned badges and Pirate Gold during the past month! It’s been wonderful seeing so many make progress on their projects. The beginning of the month is a great time to set new goals for your creativity. See the “Pirates of FM” menu above for all the juicy details. Register in the forum or in theRead more
J.A. Marlow completed the requirement “Create 1 new topic” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 11 months, 1 week ago
J.A. Marlow started the topic Markets Open To Submissions – Share Please! in the forum The Writing Pad 11 months, 1 week ago
Wanted to start a thread where we could share markets that are currently, or soon will be, open to new submissions. Please include a link to the guidelines, pay level, and if possible, to the licensing terms. Some will be shared on the front page of the site.
J.A. Marlow earned the badge Goal 1 12 months ago
J.A. Marlow earned the badge Milestone 1-3 12 months ago
J.A. Marlow earned the badge Milestone 1-2 12 months ago
J.A. Marlow earned the badge Milestone 1-1 12 months ago
J.A. Marlow earned the badge Pirates of FM Participant 1 year ago
J.A. Marlow wrote a new post 1 year ago
New Challenge: Pirates of FM: Blank Pages Tell No Tales
…we really shouldn’t be left alone in chat unsupervised… Ahoy ye maties! Yes, you heard that right. We have a new writing challenge! Inspired by C.E. Backstrom, who said, “…the 6yo in me needed a reward based system to keep me motivated. in American schools (and possibly overseas) teachers use these “Treasure Chests/Bags” with goodies in them that you have to earn points to spend to get a goodie from the chest/bag.” Mooseythehut introduced the name of the challenge, which turned it pirate-themed, NeciaPhoenix mentioned loving the badges in the old FM forum… and the rest is history! LOL We wanted to make this challenge accessible to a wide variety of people who work and write in different ways. You can do one challenge and never do anything again or you can do lots of things all the time and rack up tons of rewards. This is about goals with deadlines, not numbers of words, hours, scenes, chapter, or so on. This way the challenge works for anyone at any level of effort and commitment. After a lot of brainstorming with FM members in our Discord server we finally ironed out (most) of the details. The challenge is now live! Here are quick links to the information pages: Pirates of FM Introduction PoFM Rules (how it works) Take a look in the new drop-down menu up above for yet more pages including how to earn Pirate Gold, what to spend it on (Badges on FM are back!), and a list ofRead more
J.A. Marlow completed the requirement “Create 1 new topic” of the activity rank Cub Reporter 3 years, 5 months ago
J.A. Marlow reached the activity rank Cub Reporter 3 years, 5 months ago
J.A. Marlow started the topic Work for Hire Call for Submission: Six to Start in the forum The Writing Pad 3 years, 5 months ago
Glassquill found this and thought it might be of interest to others here:
Six to Start, the makers of the Zombies, Run! app has issued a submission call for scripts in a work-for-hire model. Deadline is September 26th, 2021. Apparently zombies are optional, as they are looking to branch out into other genres.
Our New Adventures bring the…
J.A. Marlow completed the requirement “Reply to topics 100 times” of the activity rank Scribbler 4 years, 3 months ago
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