Pandemic Stay Home Orders – Whatcha Doin’?

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  • #303444
      6 Pirate Gold Coins

      With so many places now locking everyone into their homes or places of residence for extended periods to slow the spread of this bug, a lot of us introvert writer types are celebrating a chance to focus on just the basics of what we want.

      But are we actually writing? 😉

      If you’ve been stuck at home, what are you doing? Reading (if so what)? Writing? Homeschooling the wee ones? Cleaning? Fighting worry/anxiety? (Oh wait, that may only be me…) (Um, obviously, no x rated answers necessary. LOL)

      Consider this a social/mental health check in. How are you doing? What are you doing?

      Magic Seeker
        0 Pirate Gold Coins

        I’ve been working on my nonfiction, and reading a lot. (Okay, too much!)

        We’re way out in the boonies, and I feel pretty safe, but we do need to go to town for groceries, at least occasionally. Mom is 84, Dad is pushing 90 and very frail, and my brother and I are both immuno-compromised. I’m hoping a vaccine magically shows up soon!

        Okay, back to writing now. 🙂

        Happy writing,
        Deb Salisbury
        The Mantua-Maker, Quality Historical Sewing Patterns and Books

        The Art of the Hoop: 1860 - 1869, Dress, Sewing, and Clothing Care Advice

        Dead Wizard's Loot: Wizard Whitewing #1

          0 Pirate Gold Coins

          Writing slowly in the mornings 5 days a week. 🙂

          Afternoons, I am cleaning each room (one a week) to remove the last of the ash and dust before winter. Chainsawing wood to stockpile for winter, one day a week when my sister is on days off from the hospital. Safer to have her on standby in case I injure myself.
          Still mowing the yard once a week because the grass keeps growing. That takes about half an hour front yard, half an hour back yard and 3/4 to 1 hour out side fence. 🙂
          Harvesting summer crops, preparing veg gardens for winter crops and weeding. Trimming fruit trees, and yard trees before winter.

          Reading the news about the dreaded virus causing such disruptions around the world. And following the two drugs trials in each major hospital in each state in Australia, hoping everyone with COVID-19 recovers and is released after their 14 days of symptoms. If it is a success, the rest of the world can use the same two drugs, one being used for Aids patients, to help heal everyone to buy time for a real vaccine to be found and mass produced.

          I can’t wait to finish this book, so I can create 3 covers and get 3 stories published, then start the next story. 🙂

          Wandering Author
            0 Pirate Gold Coins

            I was reading the news from abroad before anyone admitted it was loose here. Then on the 12th everyone went crazy. Stress at the supermarket. I’ve done some writing off and on since then, mostly longhand. If I’m on the computer, I can’t seem to stop myself from compulsively checking the news. There are so many sudden changes it seems unavoidable, but then I get upset. These are strange and terrible times. I hope everyone on here comes through this safe and sound, but I fear that isn’t realistic.

            I should add that where I am living now, it is all but impossible to take a walk except along city streets. That is driving me crazy. If I could only manage time among the trees at regular intervals, I might be able to manage this much better.

              0 Pirate Gold Coins

              Before the lockdown here in the UK was announced, I’d already decided to have a go at Camp NaNoWriMo. Originally I was going for a 20K word count, but chopped it down to 10K because, like many others I’m sure, I’ve had days when I haven’t been in the mood to even think about writing, let alone get anything done. However, I’ve written two short stories and added just over 7K to my 2YN novel, and have a Camp total of 9357 words 🙂 I’m taking a break for the rest of today and all of the weekend, but will plan another short story for Monday and hopefully pass the 10K mark.

              Stay safe everyone!

                0 Pirate Gold Coins

                Similar to the poster above me, I signed up for Camp Nanowrimo intending to write a 50K seat-of-the-pants novel after inspiration struck me early in March. However, between sheltering at home and also working at home — basically cocooning at home 24×7 — I never did get into my usual Nanowrimo writing groove. I often write 100K words in November but was never on track to reach 50K this time, so I dropped my goal to 10K. I reached 10K tonight, so hooray!, but I intend to keep chipping away in May and June (assuming I can maintain some semblance of discipline).

                  6 Pirate Gold Coins

                  I’m going to respond to this with a hope of bumping it back to the top. Even if you’ve responded before, another Mental Health check-in for you is a good thing. 🙂

                  For me, I’ve never actually been away from my bill-paying job. They’ve found ways to get us working from home. I still have to go into the office once a week. It’s nerve-racking, but as long as I stay in my own work space, I’m okay, since I’m the only person for more than 100 square feet.

                  I’m admitting now, my anxiety and such has killed my reading and writing mojo the last few months. My dad is 80, my mom is 74. (Mom actually caught the bug but had a mild case, thankfully. She’s now back to talking the ears off the nursing home staff.) I’ve finally felt a break in the writing dam the last few weeks, pushing a couple projects forward. Not sure they’ll reach completion, but a few hundred words here and there is good, right?

                  And as a way to Procrastinate, I’ve starting working on making my own writer space discord server. My initial set up might be overly ambitious, but I was thinking big and trying to create good work spaces for different things. Anyone interested in the link is welcome to DM me. If you just want friend me on Discord and not worry about the server, I’ll share that link too.

                  Oh, forgot to mention, end of June, while trying to get exercise and some mental health work, I fell off my bicycle. From that fall, I broke my pinky finger on my left hand, sprained both wrists. A helmet saved me from a concussion. As of this past Monday, I’ve finally been cleared to get back to more or less normal. But I still have physical torturer … er therapy, to attend to get my finger back to proper functioning.

                  • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Gilroy.
                  Magic Seeker
                    0 Pirate Gold Coins

                    Hugs over your injuries! I’m glad you’re healing well.

                    My parents are in their 80s, too, and I worry for them. But so far everyone in the family has stayed healthy.

                    Nothing has changed for me since March. I suppose that’s a good thing. 🙂

                    Happy writing,
                    Deb Salisbury
                    The Mantua-Maker, Quality Historical Sewing Patterns and Books

                    The Art of the Hoop: 1860 - 1869, Dress, Sewing, and Clothing Care Advice

                    Dead Wizard's Loot: Wizard Whitewing #1

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