Hi, All May Arrivals!

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  • #307083
    Ashe Elton Parker
      38 Pirate Gold Coins

      Hey, y’all,

      Welcome to Forward Motion for Writers! We’re glad you found us, so have a look around and post a reply below. The board’s a bit slow right now, but there’s usually lively conversation throughout US evening hours Mtn Time daily in our Discord server. This will require an entirely FREE sign up, and membership in our server is also FREE. Best of all, Discord offers entirely FREE apps for Android, Apple, and can be used on the web as well! We can be found on Discord at: https://discord.gg/ZnrzpsQH4P

      Hop on over and join in the chat!

      Ashe Elton Parker
      "Just love me, fear me, do as I say, and I will be your slave." ~ David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth
      Member since 1998.
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