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  • #203330
      0 Pirate Gold Coins

      I’m new to the forums here. A family member recommended this website to me as she had good experiences with it.

      Writing has been a passion of mine for as long as I could write, but until recently I haven’t actually made an effort to get anything published. I hope that this is the first step on that road. I have a completed rough draft of one story that needs some serious help before I can even consider presenting it to a publisher. Also, I have no idea how to go about getting a book published, so I hope that I might get a little help in learning the process.

      Outside of writing, I am a nursing major, and I have a full time job loading trucks. Between these two, I don’t have the greatest supply of free time. Regardless, I will make do and not be a lurker around here.

      I’m still trying to figure the site out, but once I do, I look forward to meeting the other members here. I’m a novice writer but I will help others out as much as I can.

      Edit: I’m looking to join some critique group. I have a fantasy novel (100k words) I’d really like some feedback on, and I’d love to return the favor. Does anyone know how I go about doing that here? I’m currently at a loss.

      Magic Seeker
        0 Pirate Gold Coins

        Hi Draxen! Welcome to FM. :)

        You’ll find advice in the boards about writing and publishing, and don’t forget indie publishing. Many writers here are doing well with it.

        To help find a critique group, start a new thread here:

        or post a note here:

        Or PM (private message) some of the people who posted there. They might still be looking for an exchange.

        Wishing you the best of luck!

        Happy writing,
        Deb Salisbury
        The Mantua-Maker, Quality Historical Sewing Patterns and Books

        The Art of the Hoop: 1860 - 1869, Dress, Sewing, and Clothing Care Advice

        Dead Wizard's Loot: Wizard Whitewing #1

        Ashe Elton Parker
          38 Pirate Gold Coins

          Welcome to the site, theotherdraxen!

          Magic Seeker gave you some good links to follow. I’d just like to add that it’s a good idea to read all the pinned posts in the Critique Connection page to get a good idea of critique custom here.

          What’s a draxen, and why are you the other one?

          I hope you enjoy your time here!

          Ashe Elton Parker
          "Just love me, fear me, do as I say, and I will be your slave." ~ David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth
          Member since 1998.
            0 Pirate Gold Coins

            Welcome theotherdraxen! I have never been published myself (nor am I anywhere close to achieving that goal).

              0 Pirate Gold Coins

              Thank you, Magic Seeker and Ashe Elton Parker, for the advice. I will read over the rules carefully and see about posting a note in the Critique Connection forum.

              A draxen is a fictional name that I made up in high school when I was first signing up for some online chat room (I can’t remember which one). The name was already taken, so I figured that I would be the other one.

              Writergir04, I’m glad to see someone else is in the same boat with me. I hope we can both achieve our goals.

                0 Pirate Gold Coins

                Hi theotherdraxen, welcome to the forums

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