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  • #206667
    Gabriele Campbell
      0 Pirate Gold Coins

      OK, so why doesn’t that post as reply to JA Marlow on page 2 but ends up at the end of the thread?

        6 Pirate Gold Coins

        I think it depends on where you are hitting reply?

          0 Pirate Gold Coins
          J.A. Marlow wrote:
          Outhouse, out the back door and through the garden. What, you were expecting indoor plumbing?

          *mutters* Outhouse… next you´re telling me it´s back to stone tablets and chisels for us, huh? :blink:

          Ashe Elton Parker
            38 Pirate Gold Coins

            Yeah, you have to hit reply in the post you want to reply to, not at the end of the post list.

            Ashe Elton Parker
            "Just love me, fear me, do as I say, and I will be your slave." ~ David Bowie as Jareth in Labyrinth
            Member since 1998.
              0 Pirate Gold Coins

              I’m here! I suppose I ought to figure out how to upload an avatar… lol

              Love it so far. :)

                126 Pirate Gold Coins

                Oh look! Is that my bunny you’re using as an avatar? I love that prolific bunny, though I have to keep it up out of the reach of kitties.

                  126 Pirate Gold Coins

                  Oh look! Is that my bunny you’re using? I love my prolific bunny, but I have to keep him out of the reach of kitties.

                  Gabriele Campbell
                    0 Pirate Gold Coins
                    Gilroy wrote:
                    I think it depends on where you are hitting reply?

                    Well, I did reply directly to the post, but the stuff still ended up at the end of the thread. I could edit the posts, but not delete them; sorry for the clutter.

                    And now I wonder if THAT one will end up in the right place. :)

                    Gabriele Campbell
                      0 Pirate Gold Coins
                      Ashe wrote:
                      Yeah, you have to hit reply in the post you want to reply to, not at the end of the post list.

                      Actually, you need to use the Quote function to get the replies where they belong once there’s another reply to the thread below the post you want to reply to. Figured that out in the end. ;)

                      Gabriele Campbell
                        0 Pirate Gold Coins
                        Chaos wrote:
                        J.A. Marlow wrote:
                        Outhouse, out the back door and through the garden. What, you were expecting indoor plumbing?

                        *mutters* Outhouse… next you´re telling me it´s back to stone tablets and chisels for us, huh? :blink:

                        I definitely expect Roman standard, not Mediaeval loos hanging outside a castle tower. :P

                          6 Pirate Gold Coins
                          Gabriele Campbell wrote:
                          I definitely expect Roman standard, not Mediaeval loos hanging outside a castle tower. :P

                          I hear they actually sanded the seats recently. No splinters…

                          Gabriele Campbell
                            0 Pirate Gold Coins
                            Gilroy wrote:
                            Gabriele Campbell wrote:
                            I definitely expect Roman standard, not Mediaeval loos hanging outside a castle tower. :P

                            I hear they actually sanded the seats recently. No splinters…

                            But do you have an idea how cold the blasted things get in winter. Icy wind all up your ….. :cheer:

                            Weird Jim
                              0 Pirate Gold Coins

                              I’m here. Not Understanding all yet. Got my atavar up Not sure how. WAh! I want the old board back.

                                0 Pirate Gold Coins

                                Aye! Present.

                                  0 Pirate Gold Coins

                                  Right. I’m here too, but I guess that’s obvious :).

                                  Nice to see so many familiar…well, not faces because new avatars, and not even names in some cases, but YAY you made it :).

                                  BTW, where it shows in the thread is also a consequence of your settings. If you click indented, it shows below the post it’s related to, but if you’ve changed the default order to latest post first, it’ll show the posts in reverse order under their parent.

                                  A little crazy, but after a while, we should be used to it. (Umm, no one look at the mess I made of the goals thread this week :), though I cleaned most of it off.)

                                  The hardest thing to get used to is the paging. But on the other hand, the paging means no more splitting long threads into multiples so it doesn’t crash people’s smaller or older systems, so yay :).

                                  She remakes mechanical devices, and he dreams of becoming a steamship captain in The Steamship Chronicles. Book 1 is free in eBook.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 86 total)
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