Running a site the size and complexity of Forward Motion takes four things: time, dedication, love and (unfortunately) money. We have been very lucky with the number of people who willingly contribute the first three items, but the last is going to take a little help from those of you who can afford it.
If you would like to contribute to the upkeep of this site (web space, bandwidth, chat server, etc.), then please consider donating $12 a year. This is completely voluntary. I hope $12 is a small enough amount that it won’t be a burden on too many people. However, I do know that sometimes even $12 is hard to come by, and you need not worry if you can’t donate.
To donate by PayPal Click here:
The Second Choice:
Running a site the size and complexity of Forward Motion takes four things: time, dedication, love and (unfortunately) money. We have been very lucky with the number of people who willingly contribute the first three items, but the last is going to take a little help from those of you who can afford it.
If you would like to contribute to the upkeep of this site (web space, bandwidth, chat server, etc.), then please consider donating $12 a year. This is completely voluntary. I hope $12 is a small enough amount that it won’t be a burden on too many people. However, I do know that sometimes even $12 is hard to come by, and you need not worry if you can’t donate.
To donate by PayPal Click here:
The Second Choice:
If you like, you can also help by buying my books. Some of these books are writing-related. At the moment, the funds from my book sales are providing the largest part of income for FM and Vision: A Resource for Writers.
This is a link to Smashwords which provides versions for Kindle, Nook, Sony, Kobo, PDF and more.
If you like, you can also help by buying my books. Some of these books are writing-related. At the moment, the funds from my book sales are providing the largest part of income for FM and Vision: A Resource for Writers.
This is a link to Smashwords which provides versions for Kindle, Nook, Sony, Kobo, PDF and more.