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Forward Motion for Writers

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Welcome to our newest member Svetlanaktw 
Forums in 1. About Forward Motion conference
Protected forum
This board lists a number of helpful and informative posts as well as a question area.
Moderators: bonniers, Erin_M_H, MarFisk, jschara, maripat, BJSteeves, Justinvs, cherylp, astropolis, zette
Fri Aug-31-12 11:23 AM
RE: Questions and Su...
by jschara
1 folder
1 topics
5 messages
Protected forum
This forum is for moderators to make site announcements.
Moderators: magic seeker, LordMotte, Suelder, CatrinP, bonniers, Erin_M_H, Dreamerscove, KatsInCommand, MarFisk, jschara, maripat, BJSteeves, Justinvs, cherylp, astropolis, zette
Fri Oct-12-12 02:57 PM
We are changing to a...
by maripat
19 topics
20 messages
Forums in 2. Welcome conference
Main Community Discussion Board
Protected forum

Moderators: bonniers, Erin_M_H, MarFisk, jschara, maripat, BJSteeves, Justinvs, cherylp, astropolis, zette
Sun Oct-14-12 10:14 PM
RE: We are changing ...
by maripat
161 topics
1537 messages
Newcomers' Board
Protected forum
Welcome to the Forward Motion Site! Find information and post a greeting message here. If you have questions, we'll be happy to help.
Moderators: magic seeker, LordMotte, Suelder, CatrinP, bonniers, Erin_M_H, Dreamerscove, KatsInCommand, MarFisk, jschara, maripat, BJSteeves, Justinvs, cherylp, astropolis, zette
Wed Oct-10-12 07:40 AM
RE: Thank you all fo...
by Soren_47
64 topics
335 messages
Good News!
Protected forum
If you have some, share it here.
Moderators: bonniers, Erin_M_H, MarFisk, jschara, maripat, BJSteeves, Justinvs, cherylp, astropolis, zette
Thu Oct-04-12 06:47 PM
RE: The End is Near...
by MarFisk
13 topics
124 messages
The Reading Room
Protected forum
Writers must be readers as well. Here is a board to post about books and stories we've read.
Moderators: magic seeker, LordMotte, Suelder, CatrinP, bonniers, Erin_M_H, Dreamerscove, KatsInCommand, MarFisk, jschara, maripat, BJSteeves, Justinvs, cherylp, astropolis, zette
Sun Oct-14-12 01:13 PM
RE: Themed anthologi...
by MarFisk
3 folders
4 topics
37 messages
Forums in 3. Motivation conference
Tribune of Triumphs
Protected forum
Check out to see what writing, publication and challenges members have taken part in!
Moderators: bonniers, Erin_M_H, MarFisk, jschara, maripat, BJSteeves, Justinvs, cherylp, astropolis, zette
Sat Oct-06-12 05:30 PM
Linda Adams's Wall o...
by Linda Adams
34 topics
178 messages
Forums in 4. Skills and Techniques conference
Forums in 5. Genre Discussions conference
Forums in 6. The Craft of Writing conference
Forums in 7. Writing as a Business conference
Forums in ARCHIVES conference
Forum contains topics with unread messages
Moderated forum
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